

The Importance of Prayer as Our Foundation

It is not the work we do, the meetings we hold or the decisions we make that bring the greatest advances in the work; it is the time spent before the throne of God in prayer, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that brings power, laborers and resources into the ministry.

The diagram above illustrates how the Lord of the harvest has appointed you and sent you to go and bring in the harvest. You have obeyed. “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few…” You and I are just nibbling at the edge of the harvest. We look up and see the great harvest. Our hearts go out to the unreached. There are simply not enough of us. It is like a chasm keeping us from reaching the harvest. The Lord gives you and me His solution to the problem. He commands us to beseech Him to send more laborers to bring in the harvest.” Will you commit to pray? Sign up to receive email updates on our contact page.