Together in Prayer

Thursday May 6, 2021

God has richly blessed Child Evangelism Fellowship® over the years, extending our ministry all around the world. During this global pandemic, we are unable to be with each other physically as we had planned for International Conference, but God and His Work cannot be stopped by physical limitations! On Thursday, we will be united, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, as we stand Together in Prayer.

Use these requests to help focus prayer during Together in Prayer:

  1. Ask God to help each of us individually to humble our hearts before Him and truly seek His face, so He can forgive us and heal our lands (2 Chronicles 7:14).
  2. Praise the Lord for the new ways He has shown us to do ministry during this pandemic and for the fruit He has brought as a result.
  3. Ask the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of millions of children and adults during this time, making them receptive to the Gospel and to truly live for Him.
  4. Ask God to show the next ministry steps He wants us to take as the pandemic continues.
  5. Praise God that no matter what goes on around us, He is still in control. Pray for grace so this truth will become a constant reality in our lives.
  6. Earnestly ask the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers into the harvest field of unreached children (Luke 10:2).
  7. Ask God to break down the barriers so that children in North Korea can have Good News Clubs.
  8. Pray that God will clearly show us His direction, plan, and tools for CEF ministry in the world He is changing.

As we move forward in ministry, we must not lean on our own understanding. Instead, we can humbly seek God’s face and ask Him to lead us in the months and years ahead. We look forward to joining you on Thursday!

USA Ministries